Monday, February 25, 2013

Look at those ladies (and Scott) go!!  We have begun the work of quilting the blocks!  The cutting of the squares is near completion as well.  There are only 1,500 left to go!  Considering there were over 7,000 to begin with, our cutters are GREAT!!!

Now this lady, Rita, is our card artist.  She has made individual cards to accompany each quilt as we prepare to wrap them.  She finished them up this past work day and they are absolutely amazing.  You can tell by that smile on her face, that she is joyful this little task is complete as well!  Thank you Rita!  Many hours of thought and preparation have gone into these cards.  They will be on display each work day, so be sure to take a look at them!

It's GREAT to have such a motivated group!  Our team walked in the door, did the usual ritual - coffee, muffin, gossip - and went straight to work!  Everyone just knows what needs to be done and steps right in and to get it done!  Look at this!  I got to cut this time!   What a blast!  The fires are out, the problem solved and we are well on our way to getting these quilts complete.  So exciting!!!

Must have Coffee!

Stitching those little tiny squares

No time to smile for the camera!  We've got work to do!

This is the "Squaring" Police!  What a gal!  Special Throne just for her!


Lorna McMahon said...

You guys are awesome. Praying for you and the work that you do!

About CQ

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Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

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