Friday, July 23, 2010

postheadericon The Schlafer Family

The owner's of The Green Frog in Byron, Dan & Barbara Schlafer, recently learned that Dan has both liver and lung cancer.  A quilt was given to Dan & Barbara a few weeks back.  Please keep this wonderful couple in prayers this evening as Dan's condition has worsened and comfort for Barbara is badly needed. 

With this very sudden news, the CQ gathering set for this evening will be held following a visit to the MCCG, in Macon to be with our dear friend Barbara as she struggles with her grief.


Unknown said...

Thank you to a wonderful wonderful group of ladies, Thanks for all you have done for us
Barbara Schlafer

About CQ

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Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

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