Wednesday, September 14, 2011

postheadericon Comforting Quilters Silent Auction!

Once again, it is time to raise a few funds to help cover costs of fabric, batting, rotary cutting blades and other items.  This year, along with our annual signature Christmas Tree ornament, we will be conducting a Silent Auction for three quilts.  The auction will start upon the first bid and will continue through October 22, 2011 at 3 PM at the Battle of Byron Chili Fest.  The bidding will start at $25.00 and can be raised in $5.00 increments.  Please place your bid by emailing Comforting Quilters at with your name, amount of your bid and phone number.  We will contact you when you have been outbid via email or phone whichever you prefer.

Be sure not to miss with this One of a Kind quilt honoring Georgia's own UGA Bulldogs.  Perfect for the football season with an estimated value of $125!

With that said, please welcome the first of three quilts to be auctioned!  You will be able to view all three quilts on the CQ Silent Auction tab as they become available!

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About CQ

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Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

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