Saturday, April 26, 2014

postheadericon Cards

CQ has to be the luckiest quilt group around!  We have our own pertsinsl card designer!  Rita has been with our group for a couple of years now sling with get hubby, Scott, who joins us each month to quilt!  Not very often you get a catch like that, and we love them both to pieces!  Rita created all of the cards that accompanied our Sandy Hook quilts.  She designed the sweet angel that was used on our blocks and since that time, we've kept her well employed!    I'll be creating a folder of all of her lovely cards she has created for us, do xheck back often as it will be a job getting them all collected! 

The three cards below recently accompanied two quilts ygat want out this weekend.  What a thrill to have her!  Thank you Rita!

postheadericon Quilt Deliveries

CQ has been busy, and our starship of quilts is allowing is to get quilts out with lightening speed!  We'll be delivering these two over the weekend to a Veteran's Widow and a breast cancer patient.  She'll stay warm at treatments that start onTuesday

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

postheadericon Kathleen's Zentangle Art

Today's blog is about a classmate of mine who has embarked on a new adventure.  I've know Kathleen since kindergarten and we were fortunate enough to hook up on Facebook and reacquaint ourselves.
Her artwork using the Zentangle method is truly stunning.  I encourage anyone who has a yen to see the creativity of her original art to visit her website regulary.  Everytime I visit, I find another piece I simply must have.  A sample of one of her many pieces is shown here.  She sells her art in note cards and portraits in any size and she welcomes your input if you need a custom work.  Click her link and view her amazing talent.  A true artist with a passion for creating beauty in all that she sees.

A Prayer

About CQ

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Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

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