Friday, October 4, 2013

postheadericon Byron Buzz

What a great day and a fabulous article!  Thank you Victoria!  You're the best!
Monday, September 30, 2013

postheadericon More pics!

The photos are coming in and I'll share them as they arrive.  Thanks to Barbara, Bonnie B and Bonnie G for sharing!

postheadericon More blessings!

What a wonderful surprise.  Comforting Quilters received a $2,000 check from The  Loveall Foundation!  What a thrill!  This will really help with expenses to get our quilts to Newtown.  Thank you so much!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

postheadericon Blessing of the Quilts

What a wonderful day.  Our quilts were displayed so wonderfully and the honor guard in attendance was represented by all of our area departments. Such a sight to witness.  I've got some pics to share but more are coming and will post them as soon as they come available.

The quilts are on display at the Byron Welcome Center at the Peach Shops until the end of October.  Please stop by and view them before they head to Newtown, CT. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

postheadericon All that remains

All that remains of three large spools of embroidery thread... That's amazing...
Monday, September 23, 2013

postheadericon Blessing of the Quilts

Comforting Quilters


Cordially invites you


To Sandy Hook Blessing of the Quilts


Sunday, September 29


2:00 - 4:00 p.m.


The Byron Welcome Center in the Peach Shops


311 GA Hwy 49 N - Byron


Blessing to be conferred at 3:00 p.m.


Light refreshments will be served


Donations accepted.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

postheadericon Sandy Hook Quilts

They are completed.  Lint rolled, pressed and ready to be blessed before they are gingerly wrapped and travel to Something to see in my dining room...

postheadericon Lisa Smith Dills

Comforting Quilters extends their deepest sympathy to the family of Lisa Smith Dills.  May you continue to receive comfort from her quilt as a precious memory of the love and caring she had for each of you.

             Lisa Smith Dills
         September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013
I thought you would all like to read to article Ed Grismore wrote about Comforting Quilters Sandy Hook Quilt Project.  He did a marvelous job!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

postheadericon Pedicures!

You know our group has gone nuts when we paint our toes!  Check out Karla's toes!!!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

postheadericon Blessing of the Quilts

As Comforting Quilters nears the end of our Sandy Hook Quilt project, a Blessing of the Quilts and reception is being planned for September 29.  Please mark your calendar to pay your respects to the tiny victims of the Sandy Hook shootings that afternoon.  We will be posting the details as they come together and hope the community of Byron and surrounding area will come out to view and hear the blessing from our local pastors. 

It was a wonderful planning meeting last evening.  Thanks go out to all who stepped forward to serve on this committee.  Your input and vision are what will make this event a comforting memory to all.
Saturday, August 3, 2013

postheadericon CQ Saturday!

What a great group of gals & Scott!  We are coming down the home stretch and the Blessing of the Quilts event and trip to Newtown are in the works!  I hope to see as many of our team that can make it the planning meeting.

The Blessing of the Quilts will be held here in Byron to give our community a look at what all their efforts have created.  Be on the look out for the date and time. You will want to be in attendance for a special evening of remembrance and celebration.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

postheadericon Celebrate America Raffle Winner!

Here is our lucky winner, Patsy Sims!!  She's a Patient Access Supervisor at Houston Healthcare.

It was a great raffle and thanks goes out to all who helped raise funds for the Newtown Sandy Hook quilt project.

See you at BOB on August 10th!  Stop by our booth and see what we're doing! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

postheadericon CQ Sandy Hook Day!

GREAT day of work today!  Thanks to everyone who came out to help!  Our dear Kathy is on a roll with sashing and we have 19 more waiting!  WOW!

We did have our share of "oops", however but everyone had a good laugh.  How do you make a mistake like this?  Definitely in the "zone"!

Monday, June 10, 2013

postheadericon Quilt Delivery

Thanks goes out to our CQ gal, Barbara, for delivering two more quilts to ladies who needed a snuggle.  

postheadericon Teacher Blocks

Lots of color changes on this block.  
Friday, June 7, 2013

postheadericon Celebrate America Quilt Raffle!

Be sure to stop in to the Drugstore Deli and have Jo whip up your lunch or dinner.  CQ hits her place every meeting for lunch and there is always something for everyone in the menu!  Our raffle items are on display there as well!  You can purchase your tickets to win this great package at the deli while enjoying your favorite item on her menu.  What better way to spend time in downtown Byron, GA!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

postheadericon Charlotte

Love this shot.  This is Charlotte's quilt & Angel tag.  You can get a closer view of her at The Byron Welcome Center.  She's just the cutest...

Photo is courtesy of our own Bonnie Gehling, retired Kindergarten teacher and owner of Beginning Photo Clinics -

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

postheadericon Celebrate America 2013

Celebrate America with Comforting Quilters! 

Our Biggest Raffle Yet!

This Prize includes 
(but not limited to...we keep adding to this thing!):

  • Patriotic Picnic Quilt
  • Four Matching Placemats
  • Four Blue Cups
  • Four Red Paper Plate Holders
  • Service for Four Red Handled Flatware

Tickets are on Sale Now!

Purchase Yours at:

Byron Welcome Center
(Our package is on Display!)

Byron Municipal Complex
May 27, 2013
11:00 AM

The Byron Peach Festival
June 1, 2013
3 PM - 9 PM

Julie Love 

Karla Chidester



One Ticket          $1.00
Six Tickets          $5.00
Twelve Tickets  $10.00

Monday, May 13, 2013

postheadericon Sandy Hook Quilt Update!

What a month Comforting Quilters!  Sandy Hook Quilts have made astounding progress!  As usually goes with these type projects, blocks begin to grow exponentially as they are sewn together.  Thus, our work day on the produced 20 quilts, bagged and ready to be put together!

So much heart and hard work has gone into the creation of these quilts.  Many thanks go out to our quilters,  our cutters, our ironing ladies, coffee people, photographers, card creators, angel tag builders, embroiderers and most of ALL - our community of giving people who have supported our journey with their generous donations.

The BIG reveal of our first Sandy Hook quilt was scheduled for the Battle of Byron event, however with the inclement weather, the reveal was rescheduled for the 12th of May.  What a sight to see!  Thanks to our own Bonnie Gehling who generously gave of her time and talents to document our first quilt.  Her efforts have made it possible for all of YOU to share in this moment.

Stay tuned for more quilts!  They will be coming out fast and I hope to have each one given a special place on our blog for you to view what our community has done for those families in Newtown, CT.


Friday, April 5, 2013
Quilters’ Show and Tell
Monday, February 25, 2013

Look at those ladies (and Scott) go!!  We have begun the work of quilting the blocks!  The cutting of the squares is near completion as well.  There are only 1,500 left to go!  Considering there were over 7,000 to begin with, our cutters are GREAT!!!

Now this lady, Rita, is our card artist.  She has made individual cards to accompany each quilt as we prepare to wrap them.  She finished them up this past work day and they are absolutely amazing.  You can tell by that smile on her face, that she is joyful this little task is complete as well!  Thank you Rita!  Many hours of thought and preparation have gone into these cards.  They will be on display each work day, so be sure to take a look at them!

It's GREAT to have such a motivated group!  Our team walked in the door, did the usual ritual - coffee, muffin, gossip - and went straight to work!  Everyone just knows what needs to be done and steps right in and to get it done!  Look at this!  I got to cut this time!   What a blast!  The fires are out, the problem solved and we are well on our way to getting these quilts complete.  So exciting!!!

Must have Coffee!

Stitching those little tiny squares

No time to smile for the camera!  We've got work to do!

This is the "Squaring" Police!  What a gal!  Special Throne just for her!

About CQ

My photo
Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

Quilt News!

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