Saturday, February 27, 2010

postheadericon Contact me!

I'm in the process of creating a monthly Newsletter for Comforting Quilter's. I'm looking for photos and work in progress photos from our first weekend quilting session.

Keep posted! As soon as I learn how, I'll get that newsletter posted for you all to read. If you have any tips and tricks to share, please send your articles to me by clicking the Contact Me link above.

The deadline for the April Newsletter is March 15th.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

postheadericon Free Motion Quilting

postheadericon Free Motion Quilting

Free Motion Quilting is sometimes daunting, but with patience and practice your quilts can become a work of art!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

postheadericon Comforting Quilter's Happenings!

I've had a great day!  It would appear, however, that the comment boxes are finally being diagnosed.  I've had some issues with them on all of my blogs today. 
Have a comment?  Send me an email and I'll be sure to post it when Blogger gets back up and rolling.

I've found a few books that may be of interest to some of you.  Comforting Quilter's will be dealing with grief, sorrow and stress of families awaiting the passing of their loved one.  In addition, these quilts go to those whose time is short here. 

My apologies for the inconvenience.  Happy Quilting!


Friday, February 19, 2010

postheadericon Comforting Quilter's Happenings!

postheadericon Comforting Quilter's Happenings!


Well, the maiden voyage of "Comforting Quilter's" was a fabulous success, and I wanted to get these photos posted of  the great time we had!
Some were experienced quilters, others had never even touched a pair of scissors and we even had a wonderful man who took over the ironing job!

Everyone learned something tonight and tomorrow morning promises to bring at least two finished quilt tops and the completion of two more quilts ready to stitch!

Thanks to Comforting Quilters supporters!  We're off to a great start!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


 I recently joined through an invitation from an office acquaintance.  I signed up out of sheer curiousity as I had no idea what it was.  After receiving several invitations, I decided that I needed to check this place out!

I started with my work information and hit the group directory looking for groups that I could network for the Law Firm where I currently work.  I found some great groups in Legal Marketing, Taxes and Personal Injury information that helped me to improve my job.  Already I have taken two Webinars are marketing law firms and am anxiously awaitng my third tomorrow on blog writing for search engine optimazation.

While this is all very interesting, I decided to check out my hobby!  What a blast!  There are numerous quilting groups that are active and informative.  I have all three of my emails listed under one login, so when I join a group, I can choose which email I would like to receive comments.  A great addition to my busy life with Quilting a Memory, my personal email and my work email!

Now let me bring you to my point of this writing.  I joined a great group moderated by Pat Snyder of  There are currently 38 members in this group, "Machine Embroidery for the 21st Century".  I love's designs, and didn't hesitate to join up!

Unfortunately, sweet Pat is having some family issues with her autistic grandson and has sent out a message to the group pleading for a moderater for this group as she simply can not handle the group at this time.

If any of my readers has an interest in helping Pat out, join now and contact her throught group directory.  I know that she would appreciate not losing such a worthwhile group.

Pat's blog is amazing as well and I encourage everyone to visit her blog and follow her.  Simply an amazing designer!

About CQ

My photo
Comforting Quilters is a Non-Profit Organization that was organized to create and provide quilts to anyone need a bit of comfort. These quilts are created and delivered to Hospice patients, seriously ill patients, those who have suffered a loss or anyone who comes to our attention.

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